报告题目:Photoluminescence Engineering with Surface Lattice Resonances

报告人:Shunsuke Murai




线上:腾讯会议 421-375-316


In periodic lattice of metallic or dielectric nanoparticles, radiative coupling between the localized resonances in individual nanoparticles via in-plane diffraction leads to surface lattice resonance (SLR). In this lecture, I will introduce the photoluminescence control by coupling optical emitters with SLRs, using both metallic and dielectric lattices. In dielectric lattices, coupling of photoluminescence with lattice Kerker effect yields out-of-plane unidirectional radiation. I will also talk on nanoantenna stickers, where the periodic lattice is embedded in a flexible polymer, that can be attached to any clean surfaces and work as nanoantenna.


Shunsuke Murai,京都大学材化系深助理教授、博士生导师,日本科学技振兴机构PRESTO研究。于200120032011年分别取得京都大学工学部本科、士、博士学位。因在固照明技方面的原始新,于2018年荣日本文部科学省青年科学家先后主持日本总务SCOPE/信息通信展事青年ICT研究人培养型研究开基金、NIMS S.Ishii博士科技人才培养合体建、文部科学省的挑性研究(探索性)、文部科学省“光控科学盟”促际联合研究基金、JSPS边联合研究目等16重大科研目。曾2015Light Sci. Appl. Top10引文、日本陶瓷学会、日本陶瓷学会2013JCerSJ、(一般社法人)田中金属财团MMS、日本陶瓷学会国交流鼓励21纪纪念个人奖仓田源氏2018文部科学省青年科学家2019年柯尼卡美能达影像科学鼓励CUPAL秀活动奖等多重要科技奖项